Thinking about forbidden foods & healthy eating...
I think this is one of the most interesting aspects of intutive eating - how to strike a balance. I don't think I have many/any forbidden foods left though I still can't have enough ice cream (but I've decided it's a pregnancy craving for calcium).
It feels difficult to move from knowing what our bodies need to eat for a balanced diet to actually doing it without it becoming rules or a diet and also to 'just get on with it'.Really removing the pressure to lose weight has been an eye opener, I've felt that I should lose weight from about the age of 12 (how sad is that!), as this really gives you the freedom to eat whatever you want.
Surprisingly, I find this includes fruit and veg as well as biscuits, chocolate and ice cream but still slightly worry that there's too much fat in my diet.However, since I still weigh less than at the start of my pregnancy (I know this might change in the last trimester).
I suppose I must be fairly balanced, I try to have 5 fruit or veg a day (approx) and plenty of milk and then whatever else I eat is a random mix of carbs, sugar, fat and protein. One thing I've found very interesting is that now that I feel the baby kicking the number of movements really increase when I eat something sugary or just before a mealtime. It brings home to me the fact that my blood sugar level must be doing something even when I don't notice it.
I've also really noticed that some days I am hungry and others I need far less - just a few mouthfuls to feel satisfied. The amount I actually eat at mealtimes is far smaller than my husband or even a lot of other friends. But I do 'graze' more than them.
It'll be interesting when the baby's out what my body does, whether I'll have inadvertently lost some weight (which I admit would be nice) and whether breastfeeding helps me lose weight, I don't intend to diet.
That is interesting about the baby kicking more when you have sugar. I have never heard that before, but then I know nothing of babies.
Thanks for your good wishes Al :O)
I've just realised that I haven't written about Sunday. How I managed that I don't know. I had a brilliant time and it was great to finally meet you. It doesn't seem so long ago that you were just the crazy girl who was obsessed with liquorice torpedoes in a pint glass :OD But now, you are a big part of my BC journey :O) A real star!
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