Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Highs and lows

I was supposed to have my 1st proper midwife appt this evening and Dh and I both got home early to wait for her (due after 6pm). By 9pm there was still no sign of her and I was pretty annoyed as we'd both been waiting since 5.30pm and I was really looking forward to Dh getting to hear the hb and a confirmation that all is okay. Anyway, it turned out that the 2 messages that had been left for a Samantha should have been for me instead. She'd got my name wrong.

She's rearranged the appt for friday evening instead when DH is away but never mind, at least it'll all be sorted for monday. Her colleague was off sick and she had to cover a parentcraft class.

IE wise, bizarrely, I'm currently off food except for home made fruit smoothies which I'm eating ridiculous quantities of. But woohoo, I've got to my 2nd trimester, roll the end of morning sickness!

I'm tired so I'm going to bed now, it's been a heavy day.

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