Losing weight
What Mousie (http://www.neverhungryalwayshungry.blogspot.com/) said on the BC forum about losing weight and then eating more because you're losing weight, really resonated with me. I've done that so many times!
So what am I going to do this time around. Having had a sneaky peak at the scales I'm still pretty much where I started at the beginning of this pregnancy which means that in real terms I'll have lost about 2stone when I actually give birth.
That thought is exciting to me but also quite frightening - it's something us fat girls all dream of, waking up several stones lighter. But how am I going to cope emotionally, am I going to put it all back on again and more? How can I stop this from happening? Will my clothes all be too big after I've given birth - even my normal ones and how will I manage to buy new ones when I'm not working?
Oh dear, another thing to think about. Does anyone have any suggestions/advice about how I can deal with this?
I have no idea. I suspect my approach would probably to take it as it happens. I had a nasty shock after my pregnancy and ended up 3 stones heavier.
I have no idea what I weigh now, though I am very tempted to find out today. I've had a few gremlins back over the last couple of days because I wasn't letting myself sitting with the feeling of losing weight and rebelling against it.
As for the clothes thing - Asda, Primark etc.. cheap clothes that are good for just being a mummy in.
Perhaps it would be a good idea to get rid of the scales before you give birth? If you'll be breastfeeding and low on sleep, I imagne that will alter your eating habits too.
I put on 4 stone during my pregnacy with my daughter. I magine my surprise when this dainty little 5 pound 4 oz baby popped out! You should be so proud of what you have done, and your baby will have a much healthier Mum into the bargain! I'm sure you will not go back to overeating,it will not feel right after all the work you have done.
As far as the clothes go, surely you could find the cash for some new outfits even if it's Primark or Sainbury's TU! You owe that much to yourself, and it would make all the difference to your self esteem.
As far as being scared of being thin, in the Geneen Roth book, she suggests an exercise where you write starements about the thin you, and the fat you. I did this recently and found it very useful.
Good Luck,
It won't happen overnight. Don't be upset if you tummy still looks several months pregnant for several weeks. I say DON'T WEIGH YOURSELF! You'll have enough on your plate, so to speak, with the sleep deprivation, leaking breasts, worries about whether the baby is making enough wet nappies, etc. to worry about your weight too. Just continue to eat intuitively and take that babe for some long strolls.
Definitely do the Geneen Roth exercises about your fat self and your thin self. Each of these facets of you will tell you exactly how they feel - it's amazing, but it's true! I still can't believe how much I find out every time I do it (every year or so). Last time I did it (about 2 months ago) was soooo insightful that I think I finally got to the bottom of it: deep down (WAY down!) I actually just didn't want to be thin, believe it or not. Why? Because my fat self felt deprived, felt that I wasn't listening to her. As soon as we started 'talking to each other', as soon as I stopped ignoring her and her deep deep deep feelings (and her old fears etc.), it was like a miracle. She just let me be! All she wanted was some attention. When she got it, I kept checking with her that it was OK to lose weight, and she was always 'Yep, fine by me'. I know it sounds completely crazy, but do do do try it. There is nothing like it to help you lose the unwanted weight. Well done for having remained the same weight throughout your pregnancy. I keep thinking of you and thinking that it most definitely means you HAVE lost weight, and a fair bit too. So now, just ask your fat self if it's ok, and she'll let you know. Work TOGETHER. Good luck!
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