Thursday, 29 November 2007

things and stuff!

Well all the good vibes may have helped with the breech! I had my midwife's appt yesterday (and she brought the birthing bag) and she thinks that the baby is now head down. I'm going for the scan on monday to double check but she thinks it's okay.

The interview didn't go very well. I'm waiting to see what happens but got a bit tongue tied (very very unusual for me!!) and afterwards was really annoyed with myself as I could have answered the questions a lot better. The first one I didn't talk enough about where I am now, the 2nd personal question which was 'but don't the experts know best' I froze half-way through and couldn't think what to say. I just felt really tired and hormonal! I didn't sleep well the night before and had lots of bad dreams which didn't help.

I really don't know, I still want to do it but will need to see whether I've got on the course. If necessary I suppose that I could re-apply and try again for the following year, since I wanted a deferred place anyway.


Kerry said...

Glad to hear the baby seems to have turned.

Got my fingers crossed for you re the interview. I have similar feelings about my performance - I keep thinking of the things I should have said etc. I think you came over fine though (and it was lovely to meet you in person!) - and as you say, very worst case, you could apply again next year as you are deferring.

Hoping our letters arrive soon as the waiting is killing me.

Kerry xx

Nicola said...

I got tongue tied and had my mind go blank a couple of times during my interview. I was almost convinced I was going to get turned down. I knew my heart was in the right place but I thought they would think I wasn't capable of dealing with the oublic speaking aspect of it.
The difference, I think, is that it's an interview for a training course, not an interview for a job. I'm sure they don't expect us to be able to do the job without training.
I will be amazed if you don't get a place, I really will.

Kerry said...

Any news yet, hun? I got my letter on Thursday so hopefull something is on its way to you.

Kerry xx