Thursday, 22 November 2007

Ooh exciting things

Thanks for the advice about the statements about the fat/thin me- I'll have to find the bit in the books about it. I re-did the talking to my fat which threw up some interesting bits about the way I was feeling. I felt a little soothed afterwards.

So, various bits of news. The baby is STILL breech. Next Wednesday, my very nice midwife is going to bring the home birthing kit around (we're staying positive about little one turning). If it's still breech then, I'm going to try moxibustion acupuncture which anecdotally may persuade it to turn. If I'm still breech on the monday they're going to try to turn the baby at the hospital. So it has just over a week to turn itself around - please send turny vibes!!

Apparently the ECV turny thing can set off labour or increase the risk of an immediate c-section, so it's even possible that the baby would come that day. I'll have my hubby there just in case.

I'm off to London this afternoon for my Chocolate Fairy group interview. If I get on the course I'll be deferring my place til 2009 as leaving a 3 month old (hopefully nursing baby) for a week long residential isn't going to be practical. I really want to commit to the course though and I know that I will get anxious about the cost and have second thoughts if I don't just go ahead.

I'm a bit anxious about the interview - looking smart at 36 weeks pregnant may be a little challenging and I won't be wearing a suit! I've never had a group interview before (except once for a really high powered job that I didn't get and was a total disaster as I couldn't think of anything to say - an unusual occurrence to be honest!)

My parents are going to lend me some of the money and by the time the course starts I'm hoping to be working part time so will get out a loan for the remainder or be incredibly frugal and save some money up (yeah right!)


Kerry said...

Thinking turny thoughts for you! I am sure you will be fine at the interview. I am really really nervous too and not sure how to prepare as I don't know what it will involve. I know Sophie and Audrey are really lovely though so hopefully it won't be too scary.

See you Saturday!

Kerry xx

nofoodisforbidden said...

Best of luck with it all. I had a breech birth with my first, it all went ok. But hope the little one does turn, I guess they won't let you have a breech birth at home!
And good luck with the interview, don't forget Audrey gave birth only a short time ago, so she will be madly sympathetic to you. And as sexyjack says, they are such lovely people!

Anonymous said...

Wow - just checked in to see how you were and so much is happening! Good luck with the birth - am sending turny thoughts to you! And let us know how the Chocolate Fairy interview went, exciting stuff!

Lesley said...

Eagerly awaiting news on the interview... how was it? how did you think it went? When will you hear?
As for your little internal bundle... lay flat, relax, gently massage your bump and think moving thoughts.... you never know it may work. I'll add a bit of longdistance Reiki to boost it. :D

hello : ) said...

sending out turning vibes for you both! hope all went well in london x

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the baby, I hope he/she turns in good time!! Will be thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

How did the interview go? Keen to find out!! I hope you did well.

Nicola said...

How did it go? I hope it went well, you would be a fantastic fairy :O)

Have you seen the website? I've seen it recommended a few times for optimum foetal positioning. Lots of right way down vibes for baby. Have you managed to lay your hands on the Sheila Kitzinger book, Birth Your Way? I had a home birth and found that book really useful. I hope you get your home birth too. I wouldn't give birth any other way now :O)