I've had a nice weekend - friday I went to see Much Ado About Nothing at Tatton Park performed by the Illyria outdoor theatre company. As I expected they were very funny. There are 5 of them performing all the parts with just some basic props and a stage with a balcony and stairs. Whilst the language takes a little concentration, they are expressive enough and excellent actors so you 'get' the humour even if you don't manage to take in all the words. (And I'm an English graduate so should really manage to follow the play!)
Saturday I went shopping for another pair of maternity trousers. I got some from Dorothy Perkins with side elastic that you let out. Hmm, I got a size 20 and think I should have got a size bigger, but they didn't have any there and I couldn't be bothered to go to Evans. They fit, but aren't massively comfy.
Saturday night we had friends around for DH's birthday. It was a bit disappointing as only 3 turned up and we were expecting more. Poor Rich bought lots of nibbles so we have loads of pringles left. Lots of people are on holiday so I think he's managed not to feel too unloved.
Sunday I had my first life coaching session with a lady who is a stage ahead of me doing the same life coaching course where you need people to practise on. She offered on the babycentre website (having a december baby too). We had a really good chat and she's given me some ideas about possible ways to finance becoming a chocolate fairy. I need to think about it some more and flesh them out but there may be a way.
Sunday evening I finished my 3rd assignment for the course (finally). I'm not convinced it's perfect, but it'll do for now and I'll see what feedback I get and what needs to be amended.
Funnily enough, I felt quite bingey on sunday night and ate icing sugar with some peppermint essence. I stayed very aware asking myself why I wanted to eat something so sweet and noticed what I was doing, staying very present in the moment and noticing the sweetness. I found I was angry and worrying about my brother who's got mental health problems at the moment and that I was feeling resentful that he is getting a lot of attention, just like he used to do when we were children. I think it gave me a bit of insight into why I overate as a child as my brother got a lot of attention for being different (I'm the eldest and he's two years younger). I was mostly a 'good' girl who was clever at school, sociable etc and the only problem I had was my eating. Hmm, that's something to think about - I remember there was a sense of rebellion there.
It was odd to notice what I was feeling whilst I was overeating (actually I didn't have very much) and afterwards the anxiety and anger resided and I could see that the emotions aren't very helpful nowadays as an adult. But noticing and naming them helped.