Friday, 3 August 2007

Aquanatal class & IE

I went to my second class last night and had to laugh at the choice of music. We did our warm up (jiggling around and bouncing from leg to leg) to the sound of 'The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies' and then cycling up and down the pool with a woggle (spaghetti shaped float) between our legs, like seahorses to the Soldier's March from Aida (last week it was Ride of the Valkyries).I'd have loved a view from above to see the rather rotund, humpty dumpty shaped ladies peddling furiously in formation!

It's great going to aquanatal as you get to meet lots of women in similar situations and the course is taught by a lovely midwife who you can ask all your in between appt questions.

I've managed to do some of my BC tasks - writing a letter to/from my fat and really tuning in to what I want to eat.

The letter was very interesting, I found the one I'd written before and the grumbles in that, that I drank too much, didn't move enough and disliked my body made me realise how far I'd come. My letter seemed so much less angry and more supportive. Being preggers, I don't drink (or at least only a tiny amount), I'm going to bellydancing and aquanatal so exercising twice a week and I'm far more accepting of my body.

I realised I'm starting to trust it to behave, that I can have a 'normal' pregnancy and that having fat on my body doesn't immediately mean I must panic. (I know there can be problems, but it doesn't always happen and so far, so good!).

Tuning in wise, I realised on Monday night that I really fancied a walnut and apple crunchy salad. DH didn't so we ate something else that we both wanted (tacos with mince and salad). Anyway, I ended up having a waldorf salad for lunch on Tuesday and it was lovely, really hit the spot and left me really satisfied.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your aquanatal class sounds like great fun!! I am quite behind with my Beyond Chocolate e-course so need to sit down and go through some of the questions too. I am glad you can see a real improvement in your answers, sometimes we make more progress than we realise!