21 week scan
Here's the picture back from the 12 week scan - now I've worked out how to upload it. :) DH 'tweaked the settings to try to get a better view of the baby.
And below are the ones from my 21 week scan yesterday. Everything seems fine except naughty baby would NOT roll over, so I have to return on Friday am so they can try and scan the spine. I went for two 20 min walks and tried bellydancing and drinking something sweet, but although the baby woke up it was not interested in moving - obviously quite comfortable where it was lying. ;)
Note the foot kicking upwards. Someone thought it was 'boy's bits', but no, it's a foot.
Lovely pictures! And you get more on friday? You sound fed-up though? Are you ok?
They are fun piccies! I'm fine, I was having a hard day at work being annoyed at various colleagues.
AWwwwwwWWWWWWWWWWWWW hallo bubby!
How very adorable, good for you : )
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