Sunday, 6 January 2008

Ups and downs

I'm still struggling with breastfeeding Rosie. I think I've cracked it, then it all goes wrong again, repeat and rinse. I was all ready to give up again with another full day of trials and tears and this afternoon it's been okay again.

Anyway, I'm hopefully getting professional help over the next few days. I can cope with her falling asleep at the breast (just!) but not the yelling and screaming (she gets v distressed) or being afraid she's not eating enough. So it needs to get sorted out.

I've never been so emotional in my life and never cried so much. I've also never felt happier, it's so up and down. Food is less interesting than normal, to be honest, remembering to eat is more of an issue than overeating, although I am still enjoying the medical orders to eat cake and have been eating plenty of xmas cake!

I really need to start doing a bit more as I've been going a little stir-crazy being stuck at home (still can't drive). This week will be a bit of a test as I'm on my own so I'll have to find out how I cope without help. I'll let you know...


Kate said...

It is so hard isn't it? Those first 6 weeks especially are SO hard. But in a few weeks, or days, you'll look back and realise things seem a bit easier, and it just keeps going like that. Then one day, believe it or not.. you get to sleep ALLLLL night, hang in there, it gets better and better!

Alice said...

Take care of yourself, you're doing a wonderful job and things will only get better.

wife2abadge said...

Have you called a lactation consultant? We have a group here in the states called La Leche League that will send someone to your house to work with you until all is well. Do you have something similar there?