Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Unleashing my inner baby

I had loads of fun today as I went to Baby boogie at my local SureStart centre. Baby Boogie is mad. Basically there's a room full of small babies (under a year) with a man who has a drumkit and another one with a guitar. There are many percussion instruments wielded by said mums and occasional babies and everyone sings whilst the babies are bounced and look bemused. I had fun and I think Rosie liked it. She wasn't impressed when I tried to put the duck hat I was given on her head but seemed to like the singing and bouncing.The mums seemed to enjoy it at least as much as the babies, most amusing.

Rosie's now 10lbs 3.5 oz or 4.62kg, so she's doing alright weightwise. The cold has meant she's not been eating as much as normal the last week or so and had more colic than usual. However, the last couple of days she's been gorgeous, smiley and cooing and far more enjoyable. We've also had three nights out of 5 where she's slept til 4/5am from 10.30pm which is very nice as I'm getting a little more sleep. The world's a nicer place when you're not over tired!

Thinking about it, I bet being tired has had an effect on wanting sweet foods as I always crave them when I'm tired. It would explain it a little! I'm still trying to up my intake of fruit and veg, I like fruit I just have a tendency to watch it go mouldy as I'm lazy about taking it out of the packet and preparing it properly.

1 comment:

Lesley said...

You're dead right there... lack of sleep affects everything... the effect on moods can be hardest to deal with, but once you start catching up on the sleep you lost the whole world looks a brighter place ;D
That boogie sure sounds crazy-happy ;D