Monday, 17 March 2008


I feel like I've lost my way with IE/BC at the moment. My life is flashing by in a whirlwind of night feeds, expressing and feeling I've had a successful day if I've managed to get out of the house by 1pm!

After a very useful teleconference call, I've dug out my BC daily fairy tasks that I signed up to over a year ago. To get back on track a little, I'm going to do one of the fairy tasks each day for the next fortnight and document my daily achievements on my blog.

So, my first task is to spring clean all of my diet books. This is ironic, given the fact that I've got a stack of SW magazines in the lounge that I've been promising myself I'll get rid of. So tomorrow, I'm going to stick them all in a binbag and put them in the car so that they are recycled. The only other 'diet books' are also recipe books and have some nice recipes in them so I'm going to keep them. I've bought some 'full fat' books such as the Nigella bakes book to counteract them, so I'm happy with this.

I'll report back tomorrow whether this task has been successful...

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