Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Feeling a bit better

The sun is out, the sky is blue. It's cold (very cold) but at least it's not raining. I'm feeling a bit more positive today. Thanks for your comments Beakerella and Lisa!

I stood up to my boss (may pay for it later) and get to spend a little longer with my parents rather than travelling back from London which would get me home at close to 10pm. It's on work business so I decided to stand firm.

I quite like travelling down south, and it'll be good to see my parents. They sulked a bit as I was only with them for a day and a half over Christmas. They live close to London (about an hour's commute), so going to a one day conference gives me an excuse to vist them, saves the company some money etc.

I think I am ready to make healthy changes to my lifestyle. I'm going to try to follow the govt guidelines using a WeightWatcher stylee plan. I'm not going to weigh or measure food or add up points, but base most of my meals around the 'core' list (which is basically fresh fruit & veg, rice, pasta, lean meat and fish). I know this sort of food makes me feel better anyway, so I might as well do it. I'm still going to eat what I want, but question whether i'm hungry or would prefer something more nourishing.

What I really don't want to do is actually join WW at least at the moment. I find I get too obsessed with what I'm eating when that happens and I don't want to obsess about the scales. I've finally stopped weighing myself daily and started to feel happier about myself. It's a thin line!


Anonymous said...

Good luck on your goals! I found a good resource over on healthybalance.com for recipes and advice from nutritionists. Better than paying for a membership at weight watchers, I say!

lisa jane said...

girl,put your hands up and step away from the W W.(spoken through one of those microphone loud speaker thingys)
I repeat step away from the ww!!!!!.

Even considering ww is dangerous territory sweets.Healthy food choices however nutritionally sensible they may be have to come form inside you,or it will feel like a diet.

Do I need to come over there and smack you on the butt cheeks????

Liquorice Torpedoes said...

It's ok, I promise not to join WW. As soon as I thought about it I started eating badly. What does this tell me?