Monday, 22 January 2007

Had a bad day

Today has been rather rubbish. Over the weekend I found out that my current account had accidentlally gone over it's overdraft limit because i'd forgotten to change a direct debit back after being paid early in December. Because of this, I'm either going to be fined £50 or £75 in bank charges. I'm not happy about this as money is tightish and I'm going to be rather poor this month at this rate.

I also had a smear test today (what fun) and at the same time my blood pressure was done, which was slightly high. I'm going to have to go back in about a month's time to have it re-checked, it may have been because I'd had a rubbishy day and let's face it, no one likes getting their smear tests done.

I also spoke to her about my weight, (I was really surprised she didn't bring it up actually). She said that I needed to eat more fruit and veg, cut down on fat and alcohol. So no surprises there then!

I told her that I'm trying to eat only when I'm hungry and that I'm taking smaller portions. She said we could discuss my weight at the follow up appointment. Apparently I might be able to get medication as well. I think I've just talked myself into a hole. I don't want to get obsessed about the whole thing and 'go on a diet' but I am aware that it would be healthier to change some habits.

I'm going to start by cutting down on booze. Since we want a baby soonish, this is important for that too and I'm conscious my DH and I probably drink too much (generally wine). Perhaps this will also help my blood pressure.

I'll let you know how I get on.


lisa jane said...

Its ok alison, Im in the process of "choosing" too,based on what I think might improve my diet.

I recently "chose" to try cereal for breaky,under the provision that it was MY CHOICE and if i didnt like it I could go back.Turns out I really do like it so that was a good one.

Just experimenet with small changes,find ones that suit you,alcohol may be the most obvious one but perhaps that's not one you would be willing to live with.Try little things like less milk or sugar in coffee,or less butter on a sandwhich.

Little things add up and you hardly notice it.Try different brands of the things you love,see if there is a more calorie friendly option that still tastes fantastic maybe?

just thoughts anyway xxx
Im sorry to here you had a crap day.I hate bank fines/fees,its such a waste

Stephbospoon said...

This IE milarkey is hard. Constantly we're torn between what is 'good' for us and what is 'bad'(although these are false constructs- food is just food).
Listening to what your body wants to eat is so hard too, beacuse most overweight ppl divorce themselves from their body and indeed fight it. So how can they then listen and understand it?
I figure from your post that your body is telling you it wants to eat a little more healthfully or else why would you be thinking it? Your brain is part of your body! I think that is what Sophie and Audrey Boss mean my "Own Your Body." The difference is that you go ahead and eat more 'midfully' and 'heathfully' because your brain is telling you to, rather than go on a prescribed diet from a diet firm, who take your ownership of your body away from you.
I beleive there is a difference between wanting to do something about weight and wanting to go on a diet. We don't need diets to feel better in ourselves or to lose weight. Its just finding the courage to go it alone. And your not alone, you have us!
great post by the way, you've really got me thinking, Good luck and I hope the mood lifted (I was the smae yesterday- it was supposed to be the most depressing day of the year),
B xxx

Liquorice Torpedoes said...

Hi Beakerella, what you're saying is a wise interpretation of BC. i don't generally listen to my body. I'm trying to more and more and sometimes find it doesn't actually want fatty foods, but instead something fresh and savoury