Rain, rain go away!
Blimey, it's miserable outside this afternoon, absolutely bucketing it down.
I've got over the disappointment of failing those exams. (thanks for the supportive comments). I still need to talk to my Big Scary Boss about not finishing the course and giving up. I feel quite strongly that I've learnt as much as I'm going to on the course and it's just depressing me to have to keep revising the same stuff again and again.
I'm not sure how my Boss will react when I tell him - he's unlikely to be supportive and may TELL me to continue. However, since it was something I chose to do in my own time I'm going to have to stand firm. (I spoke to our HR lady and she said that it's ok by her to stop). It's giving me low level anxiety being unsure what will happen, but he's in the US at the moment so I'll wait until he's back.
Anyway, I had a very nice, relaxing weekend. I was away in the Peak District (near Buxton) staying with my mum, dad and DH in a holiday cottage. Thankfully the weather wasn't as miserable as it is now and I really enjoyed spending some quality time with my family.
The nice thing is that my mum and dad are considering moving to Macclesfield (NW England just south of Manchester, or somewhere similar) as they are asset rich and money poor, owning an overvalued house in the South East commuter belt but having little actual money. If they sell up and move north they could buy a farmhouse with land or similar and get much more for their money than the smallish 4 bed they currently own.
It really struck me, whilst spending time with them, how much my dad goes on and on about health, eating, diets etc. It's no wonder i have a 'thing' about it now. I don't think he realises how obsessed he is. He likes to comment on other people's health (on TV - gosh, doesn't he look old, lost weight etc) and about how you look tired if you dare to yawn. I'd forgotten what he was like.
It convinced that if I get pregnant I'm not going to tell him until I'm about to give birth (LOL) as otherwise he'll be obsessing about all the things that could go wrong and totally stress me out.
When did they turn into health freaks!