Tuesday, 13 February 2007


Hehe I'm quite pleased with myself.

We have a tuck box at work with lots of choccies and crisps. Since I've been doing my IE I've been trying to only buy snacks (20p) when I'm actually hungry and have a little sign on my desk saying 'do I want a break or a kit kat?'

Anyway, my colleague was surprised to discover that there's an entire box of echo bars (mint choc biscuits) that she bought for me as I like them that I haven't eaten although they've been in there for several weeks.

I suppose this shows I am making progress.

I also went out yesterday and spent £4.50 on liquorice torpedoes and put them in a big pint glass (they didn't have any pretty storage pots in Sainsburys). They are now sitting on our dresser looking rather pretty and I surprised myself by only wanting to eat two last night and feeling quite peaceful about the fact that there are so many just for me to eat whenever I want.

I have also taken a little pot to work with me today with dried mango and some Green & Black's ginger chocolate. My 'treats' are actually nicer than the tuck box chocs and I like them more.

Last night my ABC workout (by Astrid Longhurst who wrote Body Confidence) came from Amazon. I haven't tried it out yet as I was bellydancing last night instead but may have a go tomorrow as I have friends coming today.

1 comment:

josiemay said...

Love the idea of lovely colourful liquorice torpdoes sat in a glass - bet it looks fabulous (and tasty - hehe)