Sunday, 18 February 2007

Back home

I'm back home now, just been messing about with html in order to try to have pretty links with logos to the Beyond Chocolate website and the Normal Eating one. This unfortunately means my DH has seen my blog, but never mind.

We had a nice weekend away, I very much enjoyed seeing my in laws and SIL/her OH who are lovely. MIL cooks really healthily all the time, they make delicious homemade soups and we always have yummy stuff like fruit salad for pudding as well as other more fattening but equally nice desserts (like chocolate torte!).

I've now officially finished my 12 week MM Beyond Chocolate course. I now need to go back and repeat some of the weeks that I just didn't do in the depth I intended to. It was a very valuable experience, in spite of not quite doing everything and I thoroughly recommend the 'structure' of doing something like that if you are trying to change the way you act around food.

The course includes individual 'coaching style' feedback which is invaluable as it stops you feeling as if you're the only person ever to have had these particular feelings or struggled with a specific exercise.

It's also primarily an email course, so it might be possible to do it if you're overseas (not UK), I'm unsure and suggest you approach them directly if this is your situation.

I've had a bit of greedy day today, for some reason I always end up overeating on trains, I think it's the boredom aspect. Consequently, I'm not really hungry for my dinner and am struggling to be enthusiastic at the thought of more food!

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