Eat what you want
I've just been inspired by Nicola to think about the principles and how I'm doing. I've come to realise that the one I struggle with the most is 'eat what you want'. I really don't know what I want a lot of the time. I don't know how to change this.
I'm sure it's a bit to do with being pregnant (surprise surprise) as I've been going off food and actively disliking random food like chicken! Unfortunately I haven't had cravings (which is a bit disappointing) and a lot of the time don't want anything or just something sweet.
I'd love to know how other people manage this one as I just can't seem to decide what I want to eat (especially at lunchtime).
Wahh, I am such a child! I just squealed at my husband "Someone has linked to my blog!" hehe.
With that principle, I started off by listening to my "tastebud hunger" as I didn't realise there were two types. Now, after four months of that, I have realised that I have body hunger too, which is where I imagine eating the foods and how they feel in my body and most of the time I find the thing I want. Tonight it was duck and brocolli, but I had to make do with a burger!
I find most of my tastebud hungers are high sugar things and most of my body hungers are vegetables. Tonight was the first time I found my body asking for meat.
As for your comment, I don't think I do have any friends like that, but I think I'm going to make some good ones over the next few months from the different IE forums, and also from the new classes that I am signed up to because of BC :)
Nic x
First, don't get too hungry. When I'm too hungry I can't decide what on earth to eat and I end up overeating.
Second, stop and think -- do you want something soft, crunchy, warm, cold, sweet, savory... etc? That helps narrow it down.
I bet a lot of that has to do with your pregnancy. My sister is 8 months pregnant and since the beginning she hasn't been able to eat eggs or chicken. She doesn't really have any cravings either - just certain food aversions. I hope you're feeling well and you're pregnancy is going well.
Thanks girls, Debs I'm sure you're right, it's just irritating to lose the 'knowing what you want thing'. I used to be able to do it better.
I occasionally really fancy roasted veg (my body hunger I suppose) but mostly it's sweet too or a don't want anything, which DH gets annoyed with!
He has a list of foods I'm not allowed to crave that includes:
Roast potatoes
Ice cream
He says I can say I want some, but it's not a craving! Mean husband! He's reading over my shoulder and tickling me.
Tai chi is quite easy. I went to a taster class at a health spa and it was really quite simple. The teacher said she found that people have more trouble balancing for some of the "poses" at the end of the day than at the start.
I'm really looking forward to the tai-chi class starting. It's a great way to relax your mind.
Most BCers I talk to experience the same thing from time to time, often when we're quite stressed or busy.
Thanks for your compliment, I'm training as a journalist so it's a real compliment when people like my writing.
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