I really struggle to work out what I want to eat particularly at lunchtime. I just can't get enthusiastic about sandwiches (from Tescos) have gone off sushi (to my horror) and we have a real lack of nice shops close by where I work on an industrial estate.
In fact, I'm fairly unenthusiastic about food full stop and I'm not happy about it. My hubby keeps trying to persuade me to eat tasty nutritious stuff but I seem to only manage about half the serving and can't tell him what I want to eat, just end up going along with what he wants.
The only foods that I am attracted to are sweet and this is partially due to laziness as we have a tuck box at work with milk chocolate. I seem to be craving ice cream at home.
I don't like where I am at the moment, my belly has suddenly grown over the last 3 weeks which I'm not really happy about even though I'm pleased about being pregnant and happy about having a baby. I think it's bringing up issues watching it grow.
Last night I realised that I feel ugly and fat and feel quite ashamed by the size of my belly. I had got to a place where I was accepting my body but seem to have slipped backwards. I know this is illogical but I think it's because I've struggled all my life not to get bigger and now I have to watch and accept it and am finding this hard. I really don't want to get a lot fatter.
It might be these feelings of anxiety and dissatisfaction with my shape that are fueling the overeating (very therapeutic writing it all down) and I'm not sure how I deal with them.
I'm also very anxious that I'm not eating enough or not eating enough nutritious foods.
What can I do to get myself back on track?
You are not fat, you are pregnant. My tummy swelled up very quickly around the 20 week mark. I found it useful in my second pregnancy to actually visualise my baby in my stomach. I found it actually gave me a mild shock to realise that my bump was actually a baby covered by muscle and skin (and stuff, so scientific!), because I had been seeing it as just me getting bigger. I think it also helped me to bond with him too.
What's wrong with craving ice-cream? If it is what you want, eat it. I think it's a pretty common craving in pregnancy. I craved ice! I used to crunch it all day and all night :OD
Have you tried going through your BC exercise of figuring out what you want to eat - the one that asks "Is it hot or cold or room temperature, is it spicy or bland, is it sweet or savoury" etc...
I would also give Sophie a quick email too. I'm sure she would only be too pleased to help.
I'm glad you posted in your blog. I hope it helped you too. Do you find writing therapeutic?
Thanks Nicola,
Yes, it was very therapeutic to recognise that i was feeling anxious. I had a really good chat with Sophie and the other girls on the guru club teleclass and she said something similar about it not being fat just baby.
I've got some helpful homework to do - to write a letter to my body again (really good last time), to really try and tune in once this week at lunchtime and I'm making up my tuck box to take in to work so I have more options.
I suppose I was just having a bit of a wobble. It is very odd to think there's a baby inside and I was surprised at myself as I thought I was okay with it all, but just had a very negative thought pop up and needed to notice and acknowledge it rather than eat it!
Ice sounds quite good at the mo, I crave fizzy water as well. (Think I'll go and get some).
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