Friday, 18 May 2007

All's well

I'm still feeling good today - the nausea seems to have gone and I'm slightly less tired than I was.

I made it to bellydancing last night, I'm glad I went, although I was tired out by the end. There was a lady there with a 30 week old belly. It was dead funny as she was cradling her bump when she was dancing to stop it moving about. I asked her how she found it and she said her baby just seems to sleep through the movements, probably rocked to sleep. There was another lady there who said she'd carried on dancing til about 34 weeks, when our bellydancing teacher started to get nervous!

Theoretically it's very good for childbirth preparation as it's all about hip movements and exercises your pelvic floor muscles.

Foodwise, I must remember that eating too much Haggen Daz icecream doesn't feel nice.

Now that my appetite has come back, I'll have to concentrate on eating less chocolate (when I wasn't really hungry), as I was starting to get into bad habits.

I'm unsure what I'll be up to this weekend, we were hoping to have friends around to play with the wii and other games, but one of them is having a house warming party. I'm not keen on going as it'll be very boozy and I'd prefer something more sociable that I can join in with more easily. I could just go and be the driver but some friends are already a bit suspicious and this'll make it more obvious.

One of our friends, S. keeps teasing us about when we're going to have a baby. She asked DH a week or so again and he said something vague (along the lines of soon). If she asks me, I'm going to be forced to say, 'Ooh, i don't know, I reckon around 10th December' just to see her face. DH wants me to wait, but I'll be fine if it's funny! (This is another reason not to go to the party!)

1 comment:

hello : ) said...

well done for the bellydancing i bet the look on her face would be class lol hope u have a nice weekend after :)