Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Back to reality

Phew, my part (for now) in the exhibition is over. The whole thing was slightly traumatic - things went wrong but mostly got sorted out. I am SOOOO tired now. I've realised i need to be more careful about not getting over tired and eating properly or I get wobbly and fall off benches/fall over. (We worked from 10am to 11.30pm monday and were back at the show on Tuesday at 8am, and all that time only ate sandwiches!)

Overeating wise, well, I've been too busy to eat, rather than eating too much. Last night, I had a real craving for liquorice torpedoes and pringles with avocado. I got to the shop and bought the LT but forgot to buy the pringles. I drove back from Birmingham about 3.30pm and could hardly keep my eyes open I was so tired.

I also could tell the reasons I wanted to eat them were partially because I was hungry, but also because I hadn't eaten much the previous 2 days and thirdly I was feeling down about the whole exhibition and massively overtired.

I did eat some, but instead had a nap for an hour or so and they're in the cupboard waiting for when I fancy them again.

The MS was better this morning, probably because I was less anxious.


flurogoddess said...

Hooray for naps!

Glad you're back to the less-stressful life.

hello : ) said...

hope you got some good sleep xxx

Anonymous said...

You sounds like you needed that rest desperatly - hope it helped and you felt much better and enjoyed the LT :)