Thursday, 3 May 2007

Mmm avocados

Well I really fancied those pringles and avocado last night. So I bought a packet, sat down and peeled my 2 avos and put a handful of pringles into a bowl. I really enjoyed eating them for my dinner and then went straight to bed at 7.30pm!

I pretty much slept right through until 7am this morning and feel much better today, more positive and awake. I was SOOO tired.

And I'm really pleased about the pringles with avocado thing. Prior to BC/IE I'd have eaten the packet and my dinner. Last night I ate 10-12 pringles and really enjoyed them. I suspect my body wanted some fuel after eating less than normal (and probably than I needed) at the exhibition. It totally satisfied me and I listened when I got the message that they were high fat and I didn't need that many to feel full.

I may be getting this IE thing!

Oh and I ate a ginger biscuit before getting up this morning and was much better (only slight gagging whilst brushing my teeth)!


hello : ) said...

that is lush well done thankyou for reminding me jsut to have what you want i always feel like i should have a meal, this evening i just wanted toast and fruit juice but i thought i should make myself a meal, thankyou, avocadoes and pringles thats lush. Cant wait for sunday, you really are an inspiration to me xxxx

Anonymous said...

I am not into crisps since discovering IE but I still don't mind pringles every now and then

I have never tasted avocado before.

I used to have a ginger biscuit before getting out of bed too when pregnant.