Thursday, 10 May 2007

Full of the joys of spring

11th June seems like SUCH a long way away. I'm still getting morning sickness (it's worse if anything). In fact, tuesday morning I leapt out of bed with all the joys of spring and realised it was a BIG mistake. Bleurgh, good job I had a bin handy!

My mum says it's nature's way of slowing pregnant women down. ;)

I'm rather tired at the moment and in need of a proper holiday. I told my boss I want to take a holiday in June (3rd or 4th week) and he told me that he thought I'd want to avoid holidays since I'll have maternity leave. FFS! I haven't had a full week off since Xmas and DH will need a holiday too. I have 18 days to take this year so I don't see why on earth he'd think I don't want a break!

I also had work colleagues trying to tell me not to eat smoked salmon or cooked prawns yesterday. I can't see anything about avoiding these things on NHS direct so I'm going to continue eating them as they taste good.

In the middle of the night last night I woke up with really bad stomach ache. I have no idea what triggered it but it was fine this morning. Perhaps it was wind (an unpleasant side effect of pregnancy!). I'm a bit anxious as my mum miscarried at about 9 weeks, which is where I'm at. I'm being extra careful just in case. I've decided to stop looking on the babycentre boards as there keep being women coming off the board because they've lost their baby. I really hope this doesn't happen to me, the thought is very scary.


Alice said...

Some men don't get pregnancy. They think maternity leave is like a nice long holiday, with a brief hospital stay to pop out a baby. Not true!

hello : ) said...

Go for that holiday, you deserve it xxx

Anonymous said...

Hey congratulations on BC blogger of the month :)

I am sorry that your stressing about this, I totally understand and hope the danger time is over for you so you can breathe easy soon

Worrying about your children starts in pregnancy and from what I never stops LOL The joys of parenthood.

Lotus Flower said...

Poor you! I hope the morning sickness will stop soon. It should go within a couple of weeks. Fingers crossed.
My mum had two miscarriages and had to lie down for the whole 9 months when she was pregnant with me. She's a gynaecologist and she said to me that being prone to miscarriages (if there is indeed such a thing) isn't hereditary. So try not to think about it too much. You'll probably be fine. And remember that most women miscarry at least once before being pregnant 'for good', with absolutely no problems during that pregnancy.
I used to think 'If I'm ever pregnant and miscarry, it's all right, it's just nature's way of getting rid of what's not viable or what wouldn't be a nice baby, I won't mind'. Now, after 'trying' for just four months, I think 'Oh I really hope I won't miscarry - it would mean yet more waiting, yet more trying... oh....' But it STILL is nature's way of dealing with things that wouldn't work (or wouldn't work well). We must trust nature, just like we must trust our bodies when it comes to IE...
Good luck and DEFINITELY take this holiday. Now is probably when you need it the most! One of my colleagues was so tired every day that she simply didn't come to work until she felt better (around 2 weeks, altogether). Do that!

Lotus Flower

hello : ) said...

It was lush to see your blog in the beyond chocolate newsletter :) xxx

nofoodisforbidden said...

morning sickness is usually a good sign that all is well with the pregnancy, so try to look on it as a good thing (I know it's hard, but this will pass)