Thursday, 24 May 2007

Bit of a fright but all ok now

I had a bit of a scare on Monday night after going bellydancing when I noticed a tiny bit of spotting! Anyway, I spoke to NHS direct and they said that it's probably okay providing I didn't have any more (and if there was a problem it'd be over the next 48 hours) . I've had nothing further so I'm assuming it was just random.

It did give me a real scare though. I've got to 11 weeks now (12 on monday) and it'd be awful to lose the baby now as I've got used to the idea and was starting to relax a little. I'm being more careful at work and letting other people lift boxes of literature and Rich carry the shopping and I'm going to miss my bellydancing tonight (boo).

I've been feeling SOOO bloated though. On tuesday evening I ate my dinner and afterwards I had the most awful gas - it sounded as if something was living in my abdomen (and it's too early for it to be the baby!). This has meant I don't feel much like eating, I already feel full. (A new problem!!)

I've bought some really nice chocolates from Hotel Chocolat, we've been enjoying them a lot. I realised though that I've managed to just eat 3 of 4 a night, I'd never have done this 6 months ago! Real progress! I'm enjoying each one really mindfully.

This weekend we're going to have the BBQ and games party we wanted to have last weekend but had on a small scale because someone was having a house warming party. It should be fun, if it's not too rainy, but is going to be v. obvious that there's a reason I'm not drinking and it's not because I'm driving! It doesn't matter too much since I'll be very almost 12 weeks. I think we've done well (mostly) keeping it a secret until now.

I still don't have a bump of any description. In fact, I've lost a pound or two. I'm sure this is because I'm not drinking booze. I'm happy about it but accept that when I put on some weight it's okay and a healthy, normal thing, not something to be resistant to. I'm not undereating by any stretch of the imagination!


Jenny Schimak said...

I can remember the bloating very well. On the day my period was due when I thought I was pregnant for the first time, I was at a restaurant, and had to race home to change out of my shorts which had a waistband on them, to a loose summer dress.........unbelievable but true. I was indeed pregnant and found out for sure two days later.......I felt like I was full of wind for the full time lol.......

I am happy that your spotting wasn't anything insidious. Continue to take care of yourself. Letting others do the heavy stuff is a great idea.

hello : ) said...

have a lush weekend xxx