Wednesday, 4 April 2007


Yesterday I had a minor spat with my DH over tidying up. It was just a silly thing, with him shouting at me and me feeling cross. Soon afterwards I ate my dinner mindfully, but then had some ice cream afterwards.

In my head I was saying to myself 'Are you really still hungry or are you just eating because you're cross with him?' I told myself to 'shut up' because I wanted to eat my ice cream and because it was with my dinner so it was allowed. I wasn't overfull, just not 'hungry.'

I'm also a bit disappointed as I don't think I've got pregnant this month - feel very PMTy - won't know definite for a few more days but I was enjoying day dreaming.

Looking back though, perhaps I could have sat with my feeling cross and not eaten the ice cream. I suppose noticing the emotion is part of the battle and noticing what I'm doing once I've had the emotion is useful too, but I'm still not there yet with just sitting with it and not having the ice cream (which wasn't even that nice!).

But actually admitting what I felt and why I might have been a bit 'churned up' inside is a useful exercise, I'm not sure all the emotions had quite floated to my brain and been processed.


Anonymous said...

Just realizing that you ate out of frustration or hungry is a huge step! I notice that I make many excuses and don't own up to eating for non-hunger reasons. Nothing makes me overeat like a fight with DH. Feel better!

Anonymous said...

wow, well done for the realisation.

I am sorry to hear about your dissapointment regarding pregnancy. I remember struggling to fall pregnant, I have lupus so it makes things hard and I was told by an IVF dr that I would never have babies.