Sunday, 1 April 2007

A springclean of the hearth and soul

I've had a lovely weekend. I very bravely met Twirlgirl and G from the Beyond Chocolate forum in Manchester. It was so nice to meet people who've been trying out the intutive eating, to compare notes and see where you can get to.

(And very amusing, since I'd never met either of them before and we were each carrying our BC books in a spy thriller type manner and had the awkward moment of 'Are you G?' 'Yes, are you A?'

Both of them seem to be doing so well and it was really heartening to see where I think I'm going to get to. One of the best things was that we all seem to believe that we've changed internally since starting BC. It's not just about learning to accept our bodies and changing what we eat. It's also about becoming more relaxed in our bodies, making more time for ourselves and becoming more assertive in expecting our rights. It's also about taking pride in yourself and your surroundings. (Both Twirlgirl and I feel we want to be tidier people at home, which is quite amusing that we got there separately.)

It's wonderful to see this happening to other people as it sort of confirms what you suspect is happening to yourself.

So, as part of caring more about myself I want to live in attractive surroundings. As such, we've cleaned the lounge windows and the kitchen windows and hoovered everywhere, even behind the settee. It's shockingly tidy and really makes me feel pleased to look at it.


Anonymous said...

That is really great. I am always very nervous meeting new people but can't think of anything more exciting than personally meeting others doing the IE journey.

Hopefully I will find some other Aussies when i get into the BC forum soon

nofoodisforbidden said...

Nice that you have met G and TG. I have met them both at the London refresher, and they are lovely girls. The more pople we can connect with, the better, I think.

Anonymous said...

That's great you actually met people doing BC with you! I don't know if I would have the nerve! I know I always feel less cluttered (emotionally and physically) when I deep clean my house but I always make excuses - I hate cleaning!

Alice said...

That sounds great!
You've inspired me to go and cleanup my bedroom, so thankyou!
