Friday 20 April 2007


Heh, well after discovering all the things I have to avoid I really fancied steak and watercress for dinner last night. I don't think it was a 'craving' as such though. Anyway, DH pointed out that I can only have well-cooked steaks, which is missing the point (I wanted blood), so we got steak burgers instead.

They were horrible, I only had 1/2 my dinner, just couldn't face it (the cat wouldn't eat the 2nd burger either!) The watercress was nice though. I partially filled up with a snack of halloumi that DH cooked to keep us going, but still, it's unlike me not to eat most of my dinner.

I feel really bloated at the moment, I seem to get awful wind at night (sorry TMI) and can't get comfortable for the gurglings in my stomach. I'm not sure why, possibly due to my internal organs moving and eating more fruit?

I'm also really tired, Wednesday I had a 2 hour nap when I got home from work and then went to bed at 10 o'clock and last night I was tucked up by 9 o'clock. How depressing is that!

However, the good news is that I seem to be eating intutively. I have no urge to binge at all and have been eating only at mealtimes (this is when I've been hungry). By food time I've been really hungry and ready to eat. But I've been enjoying my food more as a result.

Also good news is that the 'official test' came back from the hospital and I'm pregnant according to that too. So next week I have a doc's appointment on Thursday and after that it'll be talking to the midwife!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know my first pregnancy craving was in the first 4 weeks (sometimes before I even knew I was pregnant) and it was always for fish or steak.

I was very very tired too.

i am so excited about reading about your IE journey whilst pregnant