Monday, 16 April 2007


The last few days I've been feeling really hungry by my mealtimes. I've not particularly wanted to overeat in between but I'm very ready to eat when at my standard times. I'm getting the hang of this IE thing, but still haven't lost any weight. I have managed to totally cut back on the wine and had the unusual experience of waking up before 9am on both saturday and sunday. Hopefully the reduction in booze will start to show on my waistline.

I feel healthier for not drinking (well actually I had a bottle of v. low alcohol cider on Friday and a small glass of white wine saturday night) but that's pretty much it for the last week.

I haven't been bellydancing for 2 weeks because of the bank holiday and am really looking forward to stretching myself out tonight. I feel so much better after I've wobbled for an hour ;)

I borrowed 'When you eat at a refrigerator pull up a chair' by Geneen Roth, which was a good book, with lots of helpful advice about ways to change the way you approach food. I particularly liked her chatting about stopping being a drama queen. I think maybe we overeaters have this tendency to blow up any problems. I know it's something i do. I enjoy a good story (perhaps it's my irish heritage). But I can see what she means, if we're exaggerating how well or badly we're doing and swinging from one panic to another it can be quite stressful.

So I'm trying to moderate my emotions too and avoid exaggerating my problems and fears by asking myself what's the worst that could happen?


Anonymous said...

I just finished reading that Geneen Roth book. I really liked it.

Anonymous said...

oh tee heee heee now we all know why you were so hungry too!

I spend the first 3 months of pregnancy so hungry!