Sunday, 4 March 2007

Becoming friends with my body

Lisa Jane recently said 'I think you need to become friends with your body and the fridge again BEFORE you can even think about losing weight.'

For me, this has been one of the hardest things to change about myself. I have a lot of fat and do want it to leave me but I have come to understand that I need to love my body before I'll want to eat things that make it more comfortable. That seems to be the key.

Astrid Longhurst's Body Confidence really helped me with this. I suddenly realised what I should have a long time ago, that I can't be disconnected from my body, it's part of me and my brain isn't separate from it. Weirdly it was before and I didn't really connect what I was eating or doing with the state of my own body. I knew it was connected, rationally, but hadn't internalised this at all.

I'm starting to. I haven't lost any weight yet, but I am feeling a bit happier about myself and it's weird, I actually am choosing to eat dried fruit instead of sweets because sometimes it tastes better and my body feels more energised afterwards.

I think I'm making progress. It's a long process this IE malarkey.


Kate said...

It is such a long process, but you are right - we need to love our whole self before we can move on. I used to always say that this fat girl wasn't the real me, there was a skinny girl inside and she is the real me, but recently I realised it wasn't true at all. I am me right now, with or without the extra weight.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for your advice, I really appreciate it. I am still at the wanting to lose weight at this stage but I am not overly stressed about it.

I put the CD on my mp3 player easily..well my husband did it...I am a bit of a dummy when it comes to that sort of thing.

It is a long process, I love Lisa Janes' posts, they make so much sense but I know I am a long way from getting it as together as she has

lisa jane said...

mwah. I want to squeeze you in the biggest hug,thats the nicest thing I have heard feels great to watch women treating themselves with love and respect,damn great!