Tuesday, 13 March 2007

Brought it on myself

I'm not having a good day at work (this is becoming like a stuck record). I've accidentally sent on an email I shouldn't have to a customer from another customer. It was all going wrong last Friday and it's flared up again when I thought it was mostly sorted out.

Stuff like this makes me feel sick with anxiety. It's weird being obese and yet unable to eat when I'm really worried, in fact retching from the nervousness of it all.

I suppose I need to look at the poem I copied out below and 'welcome in' the 'misery' but it's really hard. I can recognise these feelings, but what do I do with them?

At least I don't want to eat!


Anonymous said...

I am sorry. I had a job that made me feel anxious all the time.

Is it easy for you to find another job at all?

Liquorice Torpedoes said...

Not at the moment. We want to try for a baby and moving would mess up maternity pay etc. I may leave if it gets any worse.