More work angst
I've got a meeting Friday at 2pm with my boss. Arggh, I feel sick just thinking about it. My sister and SIL gave me some helpful advice about dealing with my boss if he's agressive or bullying, but I'm really anxious about it and finding it hard to concentrate.
On a lighter note, if you're keeping quiet something (like the intention of trying for a baby), don't put baby fertility books on your amazon wish list. It totally didn't occur to me and my SIL had guessed. I don't really mind as she's lovely but it did make me wonder at the way the world has changed!
Oh I really hope the meeting goes okay and am anxious to read your next entry saying all is well....good luck -xox-
Good luck with your meeting! I understand how terrified you must be, I'd be exactly the same. Just stick to your guns and stand up for what you believe in, and you'll be fine. I'll be thinking of you at 2pm tomorrow!
Good luck with the meeting; don't let him push you around!
It is well worth visualising the meeting going really well beforehand and running through it in your mind. (I am sure you probably are running through it already but focus on the positive, on everything going well for you, not the negative.)
I hope it went okay
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