Wednesday, 28 March 2007

European eagle owl and Beyond Chocolate teaparty

I had a strange experience last night. We were watching Battlestar Gallactica when I heard a 'whoo, whoo' noise. I suggested that it might be the European Eagle Owl that has apparently been spotted in our neighbourhood and was in our local papers.

My DH poo pooed the idea and insisted it must be a pigeon. Anyway, I went out at the break and there was a MASSIVE bird sitting on our chimney pot! We couldn't get pictures because it was dark, but you could just see it's profile against the night's sky.

I'm going to have to keep the cat in as apparently they like eating cats, small dogs and lambs and our cat is white and fluffy!

I did manage to clean the windows in the lounge last night. They were filthy and had cat paw prints just at peering out level. I've been looking on to try and organise me into having a clean house. If it's something that you think might help you, make sure you ask for only one email a day or they send about 50!

In other news, I had a lovely chat with Audrey from Beyond Chocolate. We were discussing the thorny issue of 'healthy eating' and intuitive eating. (Difficult because you don't want to 'diet' but to lose weight you need to choose to eat more healthily.) She made a really good point about how you might eat only 3 portions of fruit and veg one day, but 7 the next. It made me realise how prescriptive healthy eating rules can be.

I'm slowly getting to the stage of wanting to change how I eat because I love my body and want it to feel nourished, but I don't ever want to go on a 'diet' or 'plan' again. Audrey believes there is a 'middle way' and is looking at a way of supporting BCers who want to find it, which is excellent news!

I'm going to the Beyond Chocolate Tea party on 6th May which sounds like a lot of fun. If you want tickets, you can buy them and find out more about it here. Hopefully I'll meet some of my cyberspace buddies there.


cranky said...

I had to laugh at this - the fly lady emails are OUT OF CONTROL! LOL! Even the one a day started to shit me - OK OK! I"LL CLEAN THE BLOODY SINK!

Our door and car windows are covered in dog slobber...but I'm too lazy to clean them!

Grace said...

I have a hard time with reconciling healthy eating with intuitive eating. I always think i have to have a certain amount of veggies (and of those, a certain amount of greens)per day. This is somwthing I need to work on. But what the woman from Beyond Chocolate said makes a lot of sense.

Alice said...

With healthy eating- I find it most obvious with my breakfasts, for days and days I'll just have fruit, then I'll want toast for a week, then I won't bother to have anything but coffee for a few days. I think if I listen to my cravings I get to healthy balance.

Re Tea Party- I'm going! The tickets are the cutest things ever!


Liquorice Torpedoes said...

Hi Crankybee, I cancelled my subscription after one day and then realised I could get one a day instead of 50 emails - mad!

Ooh, Alice, I'm getting excited. I haven't had my ticket yet but am looking forward to it now! :)

Bliss Chick - I think it's just that it becomes another rule (and all rules are there to be broken!)