Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Party girl

Well, I had my 33rd birthday party on Saturday which was lots of fun. I managed not to get too drunk by mixing real cider with low alcohol and so my Sunday wasn't wasted too badly.

I made irish stew, irish soda bread and Empire biscuits (2 shortbread biscuits with jam in the middle and icing on the top including shamrock icing pictures). It all got eaten very quickly and seemed to be enjoyed by everyone.

I got to indulge my broodiness as my friends brought their very cute baby to see me beforehand. She was fascinated by the empire biscuits but being only 8 months old wasn't allowed one! I'm glad I ate one at this point as there were none left by the time I felt like eating one. One of my friends asked me if I was going to have one and when I said I wasn't hungry (having eaten quite a lot of icing) he replied that surely this made no difference! I'm slowly changing!

I also had a really good chat with one of my female friends who is rather plump and told her about intutive eating/Beyond Chocolate. She says that she doesn't like her body at all and I was trying to persuade her that she needs to. I'm not sure the message went in, which is a shame. She also says that it makes no difference what she eats, she still doesn't lose weight. I don't see how this can be possible. Personally I lose weight if I manage to stick to a diet, but my problem was that this simply never happened.

I really hope she thinks about what I was trying to tell her about intuitive eating and maybe starts re-considering the way she sees her body. I know she's unhappy.

It's hard though, as I don't want her to feel bad about herself.

SOMETHING POSITIVE ABOUT TODAY: Only having a small glass and a half of wine
TOMORROWS GOAL: Go to my 1st meditation class to try to tune in properly


josiemay said...

Maybe you could lend her your body confidence book. She may not be ready for intuative eating but she could learn to like herself more. Glad you had a good birthday xx

Anonymous said...

It is really hard to explain the Intuitive Eating / Beyond Chocolate way of life to people who are very skeptical. I think that all you can do is offer to lend them the book and hope they are ready to embrace the whole concept

happy birthday to you!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I tried to make "Irish Stout Stew" this weekend but it turned out awful - oh well. I have a hard time convincing people to try intuitive eating - I guess I'm not very good at explaining how freeing it is. Although if someone tried to get me to try it 2 years ago I wouldn't have even considered it!