Monday, 5 March 2007

crunchy food for anxiety

All this weekend I've been quite anxious about work and having failed my course.

Anyway, I noticed that I've been craving 'crunchy foods' stuff, like liquorice torpedoes and oddly carrots (which I had with guacomole and were lovely).

So I have a question for IEers. Does your mood affect the type of food you want to eat?

Crunchy = anxious, frustrated
Soft food (ice cream) = want to relax

Or am i going mad?


Kate said...

Yes definitely!

I think sometimes it's the feel on chocolate in my mouth that is almost even better than the taste. Strange!

Anonymous said...

Oh your not going mad at all. I crave cheese when I feel happy and relaxed!

Anonymous said...


When I am down it is all crisps, peanuts and Bombay mix. Usually with a cheese sandwich.

When happy, sweet things or a restaurant.

When my brain is in gear and I am concentrating on a technical problem, no food at all.