Wednesday, 21 March 2007

tune in and my weird hobby

So, today I'm going to my first ever meditation class. I have no idea what it's going to be like, but I'm going to try it out. I want to get better at 'tuning in' to my emotions and both the 'Eating, Drinking, Overthinking' book and Intuitive Eating suggest meditation as a good way to do this.

I'll let you know how I get on. I hope it's not just sitting still for an hour and a half saying 'ohm!'

I've also applied for my 'Learn to be a life coach' course. I'm doing this via distance learning and there are NO EXAMS! This is important given my recent track record.

The plan is that I will do this course, the next level up and then, hopefully, if I manage to get pregnant I'll be able to do life-coaching part time. Since I'm also still hoping to become a Beyond Chocolate Fairy, I'm hoping that I'll be able to specialise in intuitive eating. We'll have to see, but it's good to have plans.

Normal eating wise, I'm still doing quite well. I no longer have the urge (mostly) to buy food on the way home and have drastically cut down on sweets. I'm incorporating sweet food in my actual eating/diet and this seems to have made a lot of difference. Evenings are a bit of a danger zone still and i'm watching what I'm doing.

Booze wise, since we're trying for a baby I realise I have no choice but to drastically cut back and I was pleased with myself yesterday as I only had a very small glass and a half of wine, whilst my DH and friend drank most of a bottle each between them. I'd never forgive myself if I was pregnant and harmed the child so this is a great incentive. It'll be hard at the weekend, I'm going to a live action roleplaying game where we're pretending to be Vikings and it'll be tough being a sober Viking this weekend. I'll have to claim I'm on antibiotics I think!

I know, larping is a bit mad, but it's so much fun!

SOMETHING POSITIVE ABOUT TODAY: Going to the meditation class and practising 'tuning in'


josiemay said...

Good luck with your meditation class - sounds interesting - let us know how it goes xx

hello : ) said...

wow the viking reinactment sounds like loads of fun enjoy. people tend to get used to you not drinking i do it quite often hope it goes well for you.

let us know how the mediation classes go


lisa jane said...

lol at the viking stuff :)
I'm sincerely sorry that I missed your birthday:(
Proud to see you trucking along,the little quiet achiever;)

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to hearing more about the meditation class. I have tried meditation before and find my mind wanders too much - I have never heard of classes though, sounds great.

Evenings are the killer for me, all my Intuitive Eating knowledge seems to fly right out the window - why is that??

LMAO! I have used the antibiotics excuse before....very funny

have a great time